Getting Here
Located in downtown Snoqualmie near the train depot, our street address is 38701 SE River Street, Snoqualmie, WA 98065. Directions can be found on Google Maps.
Where to park?
Easy parking is available in the main parking lot parallel to Railroad Avenue (Route 202). The building is wheelchair accessible entering through the River Street side. A ramp connects the River Street entrance to the main parking lot.
Who is welcome?
People of all stripes are truly welcome. Rich and poor, young and old, gay and straight, spiritual and religious….married, widowed, and divorced…progressive and conservative, triathletes and couch-potatoes - you get the idea. We trust there is beauty and purpose in our diversity when we join together as valued members of God's family and citizens of God's kingdom.
What to wear?
Wear whatever suits your soul! Some dress up as a way of honoring God. Many dress casually as a way of embracing the comfort God makes known.
What about kids?
All ages begin worship together, After about 15 minutes with singing, prayer and a children's message, kids are invited to Sunday School. All children and youth have the option to remain in worship each week as well.
National background checks are required of all our teachers.